My friend with Autism
Enhanced edition with free CD of coloring pages
Written by Beverly Bishop, illustrated by Craig Bishop
Future Horizons, Texas, 2011.

book addresses sensory sensitivity, communication differences, playtime and
provides children with an example of what this might be like for a child with
The setting is at school and teachers who have this book at
hand can read it to develop student understanding through the example of the
narrator, “I can help him by showing him how well I sit quietly”.
Adults will
be able to refer to the section at the end of the book with page-by-page notes
and helpful thumbprint illustrations for further information and
Find also 18 symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, 10 Quick
strategies for helping a child with Autism and Recommended reading, with
thumbprints of book covers. The accompanying CD contains additional colouring
pages of material from the book.
Review by:
Jillian Rattray
AWCH Librarian
April 2013